British Animals

British Animals
November 18, 2014 No Comments Teaching Ideas montessorisoul

Free Printables of the UK wildlife with sorting cards

Animals of United Kingdom.

I have been wanting to do soe activities on both nocturnal animals and animals that migrate, hibernate or adapt. As I was making some lists of animals it occured to me that I needed to make a more generic set of cars BUT that I should then make some cards for children to sort the cards.

So, basically what I have ended up with is a set of cards of animals that live in United Kingdom – this list is far from exhaustive but I hope covers animals from a wide variety of areas and from different areas in the animal kingdom.

To make up the cards have have backed them on to coloured card based on the Animal Kingdom – just as a reminder the colour coding according to Montessori is:

Mammal – Red
Bird – Blue
Fish – Light Green
Reptile – Brown
Amphibian – Purple
Mollusca – Grey
Arthropoda – Yellow

I have used animals from both Safari Toobs and Schleich. These are affiliate links. I have lots of different Toobs and Schleich animals and I have found amazon the best place to get them.

I have also created some cards to use as headings for sorting. They are:


Here are some sorting cards for Oviparous (Egg laying) or Viviparous (Live Young)

Oviparous Viviparous

Nocturnal Animals

So you can basically use these cards in so many ways. I will start looking at the animals that migrate, hiberate and adapt to winter in the UK.

Hibernate, Migrate or Adapt

And finally sorting by which animal type they are:

Animal Kingdoms of British animals

I have also made control charts for each grouping.

Going forward I hope to make these cards for every continent.

You might also like the Sun Game cards that I have made. The Sun Game is key in the KUW curriculum for Montessori and these Beautiful cards are easy to make. Just back them on Dark Yellow card for the Plants – Yellow for the Herbivores – Lighter Yellow for the Carnivores and Pale Yellow for Omnivores.

Sun Game Printable

Sun game cards and Sun Game control chart.

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