Classroom editing kit

Classroom editing kit
August 24, 2017 Comments Off on Classroom editing kit Teaching Ideas montessorisoul

In the past year I have been trying to learn about children’s writing and the different processes it involves.

I have decided that I really want to focus on the task of editing as a separate task so that the mechanics of writing don’t inhibit young writers.

In the video above you will see I have found some great boxes from Really Useful Boxes.  This is the 0.55l box. If you want to order some they are available on amazon – affiliate link.

I created a cover to help engage the children.  Inside the box I have made a key to remind the children what they should be looking at.

Inside the box I am going to include a highlighter pen and a purple pen.  The idea is that they can highlight any errors they find and then use the purple pen to show their corrections.

[wpdm_category id=”editing,” cols=”4″ toolbar=0 item_per_page=10 template=”58e47d0224145″]

I have also created some cards that will help with the corrections:

I am really excited to try this out in the classroom and really hope that it helps inspire my little writers!

If you have any questions or feedback please email me .

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Jo @ MontessoriSoul



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