Conker weaving

Conker weaving
October 13, 2018 Comments Off on Conker weaving Forest Schools montessorisoul

We had a wonderful day making these today.  We were blessed with a glorious autumnal day and children from year 1 to year 8 who enjoyed making these.

I found these great hand drills on amazon and safety gloves that are a perfect fit for the children, but they don’t affect how they can use their hands.

The wool was from Poundland, but any wool will do!

What you need:

Conkers – the fresher the better!
Hand drills
Safety glove
Bamboo skewers or similar
Pens – we used Gelly Roll Pens that I love and Posca pens.

Here is a video explaining how we made them.

If you have any questions or feedback please email me .

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Jo @ MontessoriSoul

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